A day in my job

I love my job but sometimes my phone rings and I took a call like this:

Me**: Support…
Voice in the phone: Hey, there’s a problem with my computer could you please come here and fix it?
Me: ”[I am affraid to ask this but…]” Who’s calling?
Voice in the phone: It’s me… “[In fact I do not have any idea about who is in the  other side of the phone]”
Me: What’s the problem with your computer?
Voice in the phone: There was an error message on the screen, so I closed it!
Me: I see, where are you?
Voice in the phone: Here in the production area! ”Try to find somebody among 350 people, into an area of 160,000 sq ft it’s not an easy job
Me: Could you please ask your supervisor to create a ticket? Please tell him all the history about the error message and…
Voice in the phone: I’m the supervisor!

Somebody help me please!

About javier

Mexicano, Ingeniero en Sistemas egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Durango, Maestro en Software Libre por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Apasionado de medio tiempo de la fotografía y guitarrista de closet.
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